May 18, 2011

birthday gift

This is birthday gift for my best friend.
I have not done any embroidery since junior high school. 
As a result, I put much more effort to finish the job than I expected
Hope she will like it. 

Happy Birthday!!!

May 17, 2011

movie costume

Movies with beautiful costume have always apealed to me. 
Marie Antoinette and Black Swan are great favourites of mine.

there are 60 gorgeous gowns for the queen,
not to mention hats, shoes and prop pieces
Isn't it just unbelievable
great reference when I design accessories

very delicate dresses
just so nice to look at 

May 5, 2011

tea egg

I have just learned how to cook tea egg. 
The cracked pattern is quite visually appealing to me.
 It can be another inspiration when I design fabric pattern.